OCC Error Control

This section deals with compiler parameters related to error messages.

+e put the compiler errors in a file.

For each file processed, OCC will create a file with the same name as the original source with the extension. '.err'. The contents of this file will be a listing of any errors or warnings which occurred during the compile. For example:

 OCC +e myfile.c

results in myfile.err

+Q Quiet mode

Don't display errors or warnings on the console. Generally this is used in conjunction with the +e switch. For example:

 OCC +e +Q myfile.c

puts the errors in a file, without displaying them on the console.

/E[+]nn error control

nn is the maximum number of errors before the compile fails; if + is specified extended warnings will be shown that are normally disabled by default. For example:

 OCC /E+44 myfile.c

enables extended warnings and limits the number of errors to 44. By default only 25 errors will be shown and then the compiler will abort.